Energy efficiency and environmental impact ratings must be numeric
Please enter required ratings
Rightmove EPC Generator Usage Options:
- Generate the graph using our form at
- To directly generate a graph with a jpg image returned:
Use the URL[graphtype]¤tenergy=[value]&potentialenergy=[value]¤tenvironment=[value]&potentialenvironment=[value]&address=[address]&reference=[reference]&graphquality=[graphquality]
- where [graphtype] is EPC or PEA (required)
- where [value] is a number between 1 and 100 (required)
- where [address] is the property address (optional)- where [reference] is the property reference (optional) - where [graphquality] is web or print (required)
- To directly generate and download the graph:
Use the URL[graphtype]¤tenergy=[value]&potentialenergy=[value]¤tenvironment=[value]&potentialenvironment=[value]&address=[address]&reference=[reference]&graphquality=[graphyquality]&filetype=[filetype]&save=true
- where [graphtype] is EPC or PEA (required)
- where [value] is a number between 1 and 100 (required)
- where [address] is the property address (optional)- where [reference] is the property reference (optional) - where [graphquality] is web or print (required)- where [filetype] is jpg, gif or png (required)